Westworld Alberta
Issue link: http://westworldmagazine.ama.ab.ca/i/508029
curtis trent S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 | W E S T W O R L D A L B E R T A 39 easier that way than trying to itemize everything. And there was no argument. e claim was paid out." After that incident, the Eleniaks installed a motion light and encouraged other homeowners in the neighbourhood to follow suit. "It wasn't very expensive – only $240. But I thought that was cheap insurance," says Steven. ey haven't had a break-in since. Meticulous care has kept the Eleniaks' home safe and sound, and prevented larger maintenance and security issues from developing. This has meant fewer claims and, as a result, lower premiums. Which just goes to show what they've known all along: when you know you have a good thing – whether it's a beau- tiful home or a family or an enduring relationship – it's in your best interest to take good care of it. W How often should you review your insurance policy? "It's a good idea to review your coverage yearly, or every time you renew your policy," says Karen McDou- gall of AMA Insurance. Consider whether anything has changed since last time: have you renovated? Added a pricey entertainment sys- tem or multimedia room? A garden shed? A green- house? All of these things add to the total value of your home and belongings and increase the amount of coverage you'll need to pro- tect them. Go over your home inventory and make sure it's up to date with your latest purchases – noting their full replacement cost – as well as any home reno- vations or improvements. Anne and Steven Eleniak have lived in their Sherbrooke home for 60 years, and been AMA members even longer.