Westworld Alberta

Fall 2013

Westworld Alberta

Issue link: http://westworldmagazine.ama.ab.ca/i/156165

Contents of this Issue


Page 60 of 63

advertise pellets. Adding material throughout winter is possible; the composting process will stop in freezing weather and start again in springtime. Stir well and cover with soil to combat odours. To Advertise In Marketplace, Please Contact Gillian Trainor at 604.205.1716 Spinning composter: Suitable for a balcony or paved surface, these models come with a mechanism or handle for spinning, which speeds up the composting process. They tend to be smaller and more expensive than on-ground models, but the benefits include easy turning and a short composting process of four to six weeks. Vermicomposter: This truly eco option – store-bought or homemade – puts red wriggler worms to work consuming organic material inside a plastic bin with a hermetic lid. This type of composting is smaller-scale than the others, so you may need more than one box. During cold Alberta winters, you'll have to bring your boxes indoors to keep the worms alive. p54-61_Green Living.indd 61 13-08-13 12:08 PM

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